Monday 10 November 2008

School Council Minutes from Word

School Council Meeting Minutes

Date of Meeting: 16th October 2008

Welcome and Refreshments
Apologies: none, Proposer of minutes from 2nd October 2008: Jasleen, Seconded: Anand. All in favour.

Updated School Council Constitution
Mr. Sansom handed out the updated School Council Constitution and asked council to display it on their council notice-board in the classrooms.

Red Nose Day
We talked about Comic Relief/Sport Relief ideas and whether we wanted to take part this year. Mr Sansom asked council to ask their classes the question;
“Should we do another Chad Vale Sponsored mile?”

We also discussed whether council agreed that this year’s big sponsored event should be to raise money for Chad Vale school itself. The council agreed.

Carol Lyndon interview
Mr. Sansom asked for volunteers to interview Carol Lyndon about Ghandigram on Monday and for a camera operator to assist in the filming of this interview for CVTV. Interviewers- Lydia, Shea, Aneesa and Hussaam, Camera operator- Khariis.

Anti-Bullying Alliance- Blue Friday
Council discussed Anti-bullying week and how good Chad Vale is in dealing with issues of unkind behaviour. They would like to take part in an anti-bullying event and are going to think about what they would like to do.

Feedback from class councillors
Wet play arrangements- council asked if they could stay in their classrooms during wet play and be supervised by the teachers on duty and members of class 6 as they didn’t like the hall. Mr Sansom said he would discuss this with Mr. Haselgrove and report back next meeting.

Many councillors asked about more PE Equipment. Jasleen agreed to arrange to meeting with Mr. Cham (PE Co-ordinator)

Mr. Sansom advised for councillors to arrange to speak to Miss Crombie and Mr. Warland about reading books.

AOB carried over until next meeting as we ran out of time.

Next meeting: Tuesday 4th November 2008 9-10am

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